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Safe driving during snow clearing operations

Several inches of snow have fallen and snowplows in your area are working hard to make roads and sidewalks passable for motorists and pedestrians? It’s best not to drive during a snow removal operation. But if you need to hit the road, the team at Certified Auto Repair is here to remind you to exercise caution. Follow these tips for safe vehicle handling near snowploughs.

Stay in their field of vision

Keep a safe distance from snowblowers, graders or front-end loaders, as these massive vehicles have many blind spots. If you’re too close, you may not be visible to the driver. Stay in their line of sight to avoid an unfortunate accident.

Don’t pass on the right

If you’re in a hurry, you may feel tempted to whip past a snow removal vehicle on the right side. In addition to snow, the machine may shoot debris like stones, branches and pieces of ice, which can be especially dangerous for you and your passengers. Patience is your best option, even if it means you arrive at your destination a few minutes late.

Passing on the left very carefully

It’s never a good idea to overtake a plough during snow clearing because you don’t know the state of the road ahead of the plough. But if you do choose to pass, be sure to exercise all safety precautions. The space should be wide enough for you to overtake. Then, wait until you are far enough ahead before returning to the right lane.

Adjust your speed 

Remember, the purpose of the plough is to ensure your safety. Even if the speed limit is 70 kilometres per hour, a snow removal vehicle won’t likely exceed 50 kilometres per hour to get the job done effectively. In these conditions, keep calm and reduce your speed appropriately.

Give them a wide berth

Large vehicles like snowploughs need more distance to stop than passenger vehicles. If you pull in front of a snowplough at the last minute and then stop or slow down quickly, they may have no choice but hit you from behind.

To keep your car in good condition from bumper to bumper, you can’t miss a thorough inspection and tune-up done by a professional. Contact us to book an appointment at an Certified Auto Repair today to drive with peace of mind.

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